6ix9ine : son chauffeur travaillait pour le FBI...

Il informait le FBI sur les agissements des Nine Trey Bloods.

Même quand il ne fait rien et ne se montre plus sur les réseaux sociaux, il y a toujours quelque chose à dire avec 6ix9ine. Aujourd'hui, on apprend que celui qui lui a servi de chauffeur pendant plusieurs mois était en réalité un informateur du FBI...

Un des anciens chauffeurs de Tekashi, qui était cité dans l'affaire de racket du rappeur de Brooklyn, a été placé en probation et évitera ainsi une peine de prison supplémentaire. Jorge Rivera faisait partie des accusés dans l'affaire de racket dans laquelle 6ix9ine et 10 autres membres des Nine Trey Bloods ont été inculpé. Mais, selon VladTV, les procureurs fédéraux ont révélé que Rivera coopérait avec le FBI depuis plus d'un an. Après avoir été arrêté et expulsé par les services de l'immigration américaine, Rivera avait accru sa collaboration avec les autorités.


Story via @vladtv - Jorge Rivera, the former driver to #6ix9ine and confidential FBI informant, was sentenced to two years of federal probation this week, avoiding any additional jail time. In 2019, Rivera was brought up on racketeering charges alongside 6ix9ine, Shotti, and 10 other members and associates of the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods. But federal prosecutors eventually revealed that Rivera had been working with the FBI for over a year before the arrests were made. Rivera had agreed to cooperate after he was arrested by ICE and faced deportation. Rivera's sentence is the lowest out of anyone who was charged. Prosecutors wrote in court records that Rivera deserved leniency because his cooperation was instrumental in gathering evidence on several violent incidents, including robberies and shootings. He was the first to notify authorities when 6ix9ine was kidnapped by Anthony "Harv" Ellison, for instance. When Rivera met 6ix9ine, aka Daniel Hernandez, and Kifano "Shotti" Jordan in February 2018, he was a private citizen making a living as a livery cab driver. "Prior to that fateful day, Rivera had never met (or even heard of) Hernandez or Jordan," prosecutors wrote. "Hernandez instantly liked Rivera, and days later Hernandez hired Rivera to drive Hernandez to and from an event. Over the next several weeks, Rivera became Hernandez’s regular driver." After he picked up an immigration charge two months later, Rivera agreed to act as a confidential informant. From April-July 2018, he notified his case agents of multiple robberies and shootings. On another occasion, he told the FBI about a gun in a vehicle, and the agents retrieved it by staging a car break-in, prosecutors said. On July 21, he notified authorities when he saw several Nine Trey members arming themselves at a concert in New York, resulting in the concert being shut down. When 6ix9ine was kidnapped the next day, Rivera alerted authorities and provided video footage from the incident. He later testified against Ellison, who was convicted and is still awaiting sentence. "Rivera’s testimony was crucial at trial because it corroborated the testimony of Hernandez and convincingly belied Ellison’s defe

Une publication partagée par DJ Akademiks (@akademiks) le 11 Oct. 2020 à 8 :20 PDT

Les documents qu'ont pu se procurer les médias américains montrent que la justice voulait être indulgente avec Rivera car il avait recueilli des preuves concernant plusieurs affaires impliquant les Nine Trey Bloods qui ont conduit à des arrestations, des vols aux fusillades. Et c'est lui qui avait prévenu les flics quand 6ix9ine a été kidnappé...